Primary Taekwon-Do
Junior TKD Grade 2
Sitting Stance - Double Punch x 10, counted in Korean
Press Ups x 20, counted in Korean
Guarding Stance – Jumping Front Kick, x 10, counted in Korean
Walking Stance - Low Block x 4,
Walking Stance - Middle Block Reverse Punch x 4, counted in Korean Fwd + Back.
Walking Stance - Single Punch x 4, counted in Korean Fwd + Back
Walking Stance – Rising Block x 4, counted in Korean Fwd + Back
Turning Kick using instep against pad. 1st Slow measure & Focus 2nd Strike hard
Perform 4 direction block (sajo makgi)
Perform 4 direction punch number 1 (Sajo Jirugi Number 1)
Perform 4 direction punch number 2 (Sajo Jirugi Number 2)
What does Taekwon-Do Mean?- Foot, Hand and Way
Why do we learn Taekwon-Do? - Self Defence, Fun, Fitness, Discipline, Self Control, Meet new friends etc…
What is the Korean for turning kick? Dollyo Chagi
How do we get power into our techniques?
Speed & Acceleration, Breath Control (Kihap), Relaxation & Tension , Correct Technique, Body Mass
What is the Korean for Low outer forearm, Middle inner forearm and Rising Block? Najunde Bakat Palmok Makgi, Kaunde An Palmok Makgi and Chookyo Makgi
How many moves in Sajo Jirugi 1 & 2 and Sajo Makgi? 15 moves in Sajo Jirugi 1 & 2, & 17 moves in Sajo Makgi
Good luck with your grading!